How to take part?

The most important fact that you should bear in mind is that the special semester on "Foundations of Computational Mathematics" follows the same rules and form as any other program at Mathematical Sciences Research Institute. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you have a look at the MSRI web-site,, where you can also find application forms etc. There are several forms of membership in MSRI programs:

  1. Research professorships: A very small number of Research Professorships might be awarded to the program. These awards are intended for senior researchers who would stay for at least three months at MSRI, but do not have full salary from another source. Prospective candidates need to apply to MSRI (the closing date is 30th September 1997) and provide letters of reference.
  2. Key senior people: A new category in the budget, intended for participants whose contribution would be particularly outstanding but who might not attend without a more substantial financial package. SPs will be chosen by the MSRI Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) upon the recommendation of the organisers of the special semester.
  3. General members: This is the usual category for most participants. The funding arrangements might range from no financial support to a (modest) monthly stipend and travelling expenses and the duration of participation is flexible: from a week all the way to the full five months. Some GMs are pre-invited by the organisers, others might apply directly to MSRI (the deadline is 30 November 1997). Obviously, it helps if you can bring financial support with you - we are operating to a tight (and relatively modest) budget - but it must be made clear that the main constraint on the number of GMs is the size of MSRI and the total number of participants that can be accomodated within limited office space.
  4. Postdoctoral fellows: Both MSRI and the workshop organisers are very keen indeed on the participation of young researchers and we welcome applications from postdocs. Applicants should have received their PhD in 1993 or later and they should have US connection - prefarably, be resident in the States. The deadline for applications is 30 November 1997. Note that if you are ineligible (e.g., if you have no US connection) you can still apply as a GM.

There are plans afoot for two or more week-long workshops during the lifetime of the special semester: An introductory workshop, with an instructional flavour, will be held in August 1998. We plan another workshop, on "Complexity theory and its applications in numerical mathematics" at a date yet to be announced. Participation in the workshops is likely to be open to extra participants and details will be reported at this web-site.