Departamento de Matemática · FCEyN · UBA 1er. cuatrimestre de 2006
  Bertsekas, D., Nonlinear programming. Athena Scientific, 2da edición 1999.

Conn, A.R. ; Gould, N.I.M.; Toint, Ph. L., Trust region methods. MPS SIAM series, 2000.

Dennis, J. E.; Schnabel, R. B., Numerical methods for unconstrained optimization and nonlinear equations. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice hall, 1983.

Fletcher, R., Practical methods of optimization. 2 da edición. NY, John Wiley and Sons, 1986.

Friedlander, Ana, Elementos de programação não linear. Campinas, Editora da Unicamp, 1994. [pdf]

Gill, P.E; Murray, W.; Wright, M., Practical Optimization. NY, Academic Press, 1981.

Mangasarian, O., Nonlinear programming, Classics in applied mathematics. SIAM, 1994. [ps]

Martínez, J.M. ; Santos, S.A., Métodos computacionáis de otimização. XX Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática, IMPA, 1995.

Nocedal , J.; Wright, S., Numerical optimization. Springer Series in Operations research, Springer, 1999.

Shewchuk, J. R., An Introduction to the Conjugate Gradient Method Without the Agonizing Pain, agosto 1994. [pdf]

Strang, G, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 3 edición. Saunders, 1988.
Última actualización: 10.07.2006 1:59 PM