Some of these references are not directly available yet.
	Please ask the author(s) for them by e-mail.
[CaGaHe88] L. Caniglia, A. Galligo, and J. Heintz. Borne simple exponentielle pour les degrès dans le thèoréme des zèros sur un corps de charactéristique quelconque. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 307:255--258, 1988.

[DaHe88] J. H. Davenport and J. Heintz. Real quantifier elimination is doubly exponential. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 5:29--35, 1988.

[Giusti88] M. Giusti. Combinatorial dimension theory of algebraic varieties. Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 6, pp. 249-265, 1988.

[PaRe88] Luis Miguel Pardo Vasallo y Tomás Recio. Arboles Algebraicos : Un Modelo de Computación en Geometría. In Contribuciones Cient. U. DE CANTABRIA. (Dedicado al Prof. E. Villar), (1988) 241--249.

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