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	Please ask the author(s) for them by e-mail.
[CuMoPa93] F. Cucker, J. L. Montaña and Luis M. Pardo. A Non-deterministic Time Hierarchy over the Reals. Extracta Mathematicaevol.8, No. 2-3, (1993) pages 87--91.

[BaHeKrMaSo93] B. Bank, J. Heintz, T. Krick, R. Mandel, and P. Solernò. Une borne optimale pour la programmation entiére quasi-convexe. Bull. Soc. math. France, 121:299--314, 1993.

[CaCoDaHeKrSo93] L. Caniglia, G. Cortinas, S. Danòn, J. Heintz, T. Krick, and Pablo Solernò. Algorithmic aspects of Suslin's proof of Serre's conjecture. Computational Complexity, 3:31--55, 1993.

[GiHe93] M. Giusti and J. Heintz. La dètermination des points isolès et de la dimension d'une variètè algèbrique peut se faire en temps polynomial. In D. Eisenbud and L. Robbiano, editors, Computational Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra, volume XXXIV of Symposia Matematica, pages 216--256. Cambridge University Press, 1993.

[GiHeSa93] M. Giusti, J. Heintz, and J. Sabia. On the efficiency of effective Nullstellensätze. Computational Complexity, 3:56--95, 1993.

[HeMo93] J. Heintz and J. Morgenstern. On the intrinsic complexity of elimination theory. J. of Complexity, 9:471--498, 1993.

[HeRoSo93] J. Heintz, M.-F. Roy, and P. Solernò. On the theoretical and practical complexity of the existential theory of reals. The Computer Journal, 36(5):427--431, 1993.

[MoPa93] J. L. Montaña and Luis M. Pardo. Lower Bounds for Arithmetic Networks. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing, 4, No. 1, Springer (1993) pages 1-24.

[MoPaRa93] J. L. Montaña, Luis M. Pardo and R. Ramanakoraisina. An Extension of Warren's Lower Bounds for Approximation. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra} {\bf 87 (1993), 251--258

[SaSo93] J. Sabia and P. Solernò. Bounds for traces in complete intersections and degrees in the Nullstellensatz. AAECC Journal, 1993.

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